To keep the cost down for you, we do everything by ourselves,
right from your name badges, sustenance packs, equipment for games etc.
If you call at the eleventh hour to be included for the
activity the following morning, that means kids have to
run to the shops to get sustenance pack items late into the night.
I hope now you understand why last-minute calls cause
such chaos at the organisational end of each activity!

that there's a place for everything planned for the day ahead,
our 'Juice Wala' got buys in peeling kinnows to prepare
our welcome drink at the farm - Fresh Kinnow Juice :)

by the farm helpers... These were all consumed either raw
by CATS or were used to prepare the sumptuous feast for CATS at the farm!

started exploring various nooks and crannies even before
the guided tour had begun...

everyone decided to buy the kinnows to take home with them ;-)

CAT Gaurav explined how and why he himself got involved
with organic farming, what it means by 'organic',
how he learnt the tricks of the trade, the mistakes he made
and the benefits of organic food..

Now tell me what is bought at Rs.1.50/- a litre to be added to this can ;-)

a cauliflower head with little CAT Anna along the way :)

Can you tell the difference between a green and a white leek?
Any CAT who answered correctly, was given a slip which mentioned
the prize. For example, CAT AP won a bunch of HALDI (turmeric).

CAT Monica holding up a tender baby potatoe after
gently harvesting one plant

Another make shift scarecrow to scare the rabbits away at night!
The plastic bag makes scary sounds when the wind blows and
the white colour of the bag keeps it visible for the rabbits even in the dark..
Hozzaaatttt NOW!

a makeshift dry toilet at the farm ;-)

who had spent a considerable time in the fields earlier in their lives,
had trouble recognising vegetable pods from pulses pods.

from scratch and that too without any proper kitchen...
everything was makeshift and CATS being CATS,
had planned for a traditional European Feast!!!
We do know how to shoot ourselves in the foot... meow!!

for sowing the seeds, transplanting the saplings and
harvesting the vegetables to gain first hand experience of working in a farm...

as well as 'baking' mouth watering pizzas!!
CAT Rajive at work with CAT Ashish A while CAT Ravinder S seems to be inspecting ;-)

with active participation from the two deft Cooks;
CAT Ashish A and CAT Paramjeet...

I am amazed how could these two simply sit and talk about the weather!

As CAT Puneet put it, each of the 20 sexy sirens
colourfully dressed to kill. CATS excitedly trooped in to be
personally introduced to each mutiyaar individually
by Mr Sarkaria is the 'Friend, Philosopher and Guide'
to each one of them. Not only could you admire them from
a distance, CATS were encouraged to touch them, hug them,
caress them, even sit in their lap if one wished.
CATS could pick anyone from a Chevrolet, a Mustang amongst
20 odd Vintage Beauties lined up in our village farm!

and mouth watering minestrone soup, CATS took a little break
from eating and indulged in a game of Helium Sticks

All this while, Chef and Cooks were busy getting the
Cheese Pasta Sauce and Arrabiata sauce ready for dinner... yummy :)

Hats off to the production workers CAT Rachna, CAT Neerja R and
CAT Manpreet in ensuring there was not a spare moment
without a piping hot pizza on the table for the greedy CATS!

on second thoughts, these kittens had actually earned their dinner too ;-)
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