SMILES all around kicked off our day....
CAT Vishal sprung a surprise by bringing in 5 students from CIHM to donate blood first thing in the morning...
Our Top CAT Couple of the Day...
CAT Ashok and CAT Neerja with Rtn Babbi Ji and our Elusive CAT Charanjeet :-)
Merry bunch of CATS and Rotarians taking pride in having recycled our banner from the last blood donation camp in January!

President of Rotary Club of Chandigarh, Rtn. Arvind Mehan
(and a fresh convert to CATS!!) took the lead and joined hands with CATS
in donating blood himself for his club's Heartline...
Sushil having a tough time to hide his grin, whilst CAT Aradhika is 'trying' to imitate an intellectual look ;-)
Oh you don't want to know what transpires when you ask a simple question off CAT Vasu...
Rtn. Madhu Handa had come only to cheer up CATS for their noble deed...
Little did she know about the CATS.... what the heck... We got a unit :-)
All's fair and forgiven in Love and War !

CAT Anu A had been rejected in the last camp on account of low Hb...
We were all literally holding our breath till she cleared her medical...
Another Unit you see ;-)
CAT Neerja hard at work just for CATS... without lunch at that!
What can I really say.... Nidhi and her gang led by CAT Reenu donated not just with a smile... but amidst peels of laughter and bravado :-)
Visitors had started wondering if CATS were operating a dress code!!
CAT Rahat at his best behaviour... He's a gem indeed...
Though I shall not share the photo with his toungue sticking out and his eyes all rolled up ;-)

Rtn Babbi Ji tirelessly took care of the refreshments of each donor throughout the day....
CAT Deepinder, CAT Uday and fresh CAT Ashwin comparing notes..
CAT Ashish A waiting to be seved food, right here and now on the bed itself after the donation... He said that if he liked the food enough, then he was going to show up in the evening too!
Our 'Naya Jora'...... CAT Jasmit with his 'Vohtee' CAT Jasmine, who had infact coerced her husband to ensure that they donated blood together.... MEOW
CATS... and lots of them :-)
I salute the spirit of CATS who came forward to take our blood donation count to 36.... but we are still short of 14 units my dear CATS.... Can we all dig a little deeper into our hearts to do a little more for HEARTLINE??
- CAT Supreet
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