mediCATe - Help a Kidney Patient

My dear CATS,

I am writing to you about an adventure of a different kind altogether.

An extremely poor young renal failure patient from Himachal came to Chandigarh about a month ago, for kidney transplant operation. The family had taken shelter at a temple in Mohali (opposite ph-8 bus stand), where our fellow CAT Pammi happened to meet them. The family had sold off property to raise funds for the surgery but were still short. CAT Pammi helped raise approximately Rs.30k to ensure that the surgery went through as planned.

For the ones who are scratching their heads, she is 'guide Pammi Bai' from our 2nd Nepli trek, who danced without music with CAT Rahat for a slice of plum cake! Her daughter Garima is a classmate of our CAT Amanat at YPS. Surgery was conducted at Silver Oaks Hospital, a private institute as it was taking too long to run through the processes at PGI and the patient was loosing time.

The surgery was sucessful but there is another problem. All the cash that had been raised by the family, temple donors and CAT Pammi, stands totally used in the surgery and post-op care. The patient must take medicines for 6 months to ensure minimum chances of organ rejection by the body. Medicines for each month will cost about Rs.5,000/- a month. He has medicines only for 1 month. If you all permit, then I have a suggestion to share with you.

Can we collectively raise Rs.30,000/- needed to buy the medicines for this patient? To ensure no misuse of funds, I have a copy of the prescription and we will purchase the medicines from the chemist ourselves and give them to the patient. Medicines would be purchased at a reduced market rate too since the chemist has agreed to forego certain percentage from his profits for this patient.

CATS, it is not easy to live with kidney failure and to go through dialysis 2-3 times a week. It's even more difficult to have a suitable donor, who's ready to donate one kidney to you. This patient has gone through all those hurdles. All these efforts may go to waste if he can not consume the organ saving drugs for the coming atleast 6 months. I have double checked this information with a Doctor from GH-16 also who has confirmed the details of the treatment.

You can contribute whatever amount you are comfortable with, monthly or in lumpsum. Payments can be made, as usual, as the reception of Chandigarh Beckons hotel in sector 42 in a sealed envelope with CATS mediCATe Fund written in bold, along with your name.

Kids at home have already plunged through their piggy banks. CAT Aman has given Rs.100/- and CAT Amanat Rs.130/- I think we will need to do more.

Can we work paw-to-paw to help this family CATS?

CAT Supreet

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